U.Dance 2019


The Medway Arts Development Team and Loop Dance Company are inviting talUdance 2019 logoented young dancers from Medway and Kent, to apply to perform at U.Dance Medway 2019 – a youth dance platform to increase your dance experience and perform to friends and family.

Sunday, 17th March 2019, 5pm, The Brook Theatre, Old Town Hall, Chatham, ME4 4SE

For this fun and inspiring event, groups aged 11 – 19yrs (and disabled dance groups up to age 25) are invited to apply to take part and showcase their dance talent. The platform aims to bring together the broad diversity of youth dance that is being created locally, and to provide a performance opportunity for young people.

To apply, please complete an application form and return this to us by the deadline, Wednesday 5th December 2018. The Application form can be downloaded here – U Dance 2019 Application

When we have received your application form, we will send you part 2 of the form for you to complete. The second form is to tell us about the technical requirements and to submit a YouTube or Vimeo link of the dance piece being submitted. Part two of the form should be submitted by 21st January 2019 and should be send to Info@loopdancecompany.co.uk or Loop Dance Company, The Brook, Old Town Hall, Chatham, ME4 4SE, T: 01634 831531

For any further information for U.Dance Medway 2019 please contact us on info@loopdancecompany.co.uk.

Loop Dance Company are very excited to support U.Dance Medway 2019 at The Brook Theatre, Chatham and tickets will be available soon.

This year we are excited to announce the Medway Community Arts Showcase will be part of the performance!

Community Variety Showcase

The Medway Arts Development Team, Loop Dance Company and Wheel Be Dancing have collaborated to create a community variety showcase as part of U.Dance Medway 2019. We would like to call out to all community art groups, singers, dancers, actors and other performers from early years to adults and would like to invite them to apply.

To apply for the Community Variety Showcase please contact Trisha at Wheel Be Dancing by emailing wheelbedancing@yahoo.co.uk. The Deadline to apply is Wednesday 5th December 2018 and the application form can be sent to you on request.